You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.4. GL TRANSACTIONS Menu: Posting Transactions > 2.4.4. GL Transactions - Bank Reconciliation > Finding Transactions

Finding Transactions

Use this option if you want to find specific transactions to be presented in the Bank Reconciliation screen.

  1. Display the Bank Reconciliation screen for the bank account you want to reconcile.

Refer to "Selecting the Bank Account to Reconcile".

  1. Select the Find button.

Micronet displays the Find Entry screen.

  1. Complete one or more of the following fields with the details of the transaction(s) you want to find:






To find consolidated entries containing multiple transactions, enter an asterisk (*).

MDS operators can select to consolidate entries when they are printing the bank deposit slip in Debtor Banking (for more information, refer to "Printing the Bank Deposit Slip").



If you know the transaction reference number, enter it.



If you know the date of the transaction, enter or select the date.



If you know the details entered as the transaction description, enter them. You can enter the first few letters or numbers of the transaction description, e.g. entering "pay" would find transactions such as PAY001, PAY3344, etc.



To find all transactions marked as presented, enter "presented". To find all transactions marked as unpresented, enter "unpresented".


Date Pres

If you know the date that a transaction was presented, enter or select the date.


Tran Amount

If you know the original amount of the transaction, enter it.


Pres Amount

If you know the amount of the transaction that was presented, enter it.

  1. When you have entered the details of the transaction(s) you want to search for, select the Find Next button.

Micronet highlights the next transaction matching the details you entered on the Bank Reconciliation screen behind the Find Entry screen.

  1. You can keep selecting the Find Next button until you the transaction you want is highlighted.
  1. Optionally, select the following buttons:
  1. When you have finished with the Find Entry screen, select the Return button.

Micronet redisplays the Bank Reconciliation screen with the selected transaction highlighted.